11 January 2011

It's so cold!

I don't know about other people but I've been feeling really cold these days.  Sometimes I even have to switch off the fan because it is just too cold.

Stephen said it is going to snow.  He really makes me laugh out loud.

It's really hard to believe anything about global warming while I'm feeling so, so cold.



After I published my blog, this came out on 12 January 2011, in the Star Newspaper, that the Weather across peninsula is erratic and cold!  

(all pics from photobucket)


Shakun said...

It's been so hot here in Penang! Then suddenly, it rained cats and dogs last night!

Pat said...

It's so cold here in PD, too! Winds blowing all day, and rains in the morning or all through the day!!!

I agree with what you say about global warming. In fact, after my aborted London trip, I wonder if they've all got it wrong somehow and we're looking at the coming of the next Ice Age!!! Hahahah!

SFGEMS said...

Shakun, It has been so cold that I've resorted to wearing socks at home. After I put up the blog, the Star papers came up with the news about an erratic cold front.

Love you! :D

SFGEMS said...

Pat, I can imagine PD looking and feeling like Martha's Vineyard. You are so blessed to be living so near the sea!

What a great life! You so deserve it.

Hugs for you always. :D