15 September 2011

Happy Malaysia Day!

In the last year, I've made more friends than I ever did since I left school.  Thanks to Facebook, we interact and have groups and, often, a friend of a friend of a friend can turn out to be a good friend.

One thing I've noticed is that the Malaysians on my Facebook list seem to not notice race, colour or creed.  It's what I don't take for granted at all.

No one makes an issue if there's a lame joke about a particular race or religion.  People seem to be easy-going and understanding.  Tolerance and kindness become the order of the day.  Yes, in the comfort of my Facebook Account, I've the luxury of choosing who surround me.  Be that as it may, I still get the feeling of one bangsa and one country. 

United we stand and divided we fall.  So on this Malaysia Day, let's carry our kindness and goodness to beyond the virtual world and into the real world.

By the way, there will be a celebration here at 7.00 pm on Friday, 16 September 2011.  Jom!!


Small Kucing said...

Happy Malaysia Day to you too

Starmandala said...

That's a real sweet Malaysia Day posting, Lita. I've always known that there is really no racial or religious division - except the false alarms generated by opportunistic politicians to maintain their power base.

SFGEMS said...

Small Kucing,

Sorry for the late reply but filled with positive hope for you and for me. :)


Thanks for the acknowledgement. It means a lot to me.
