31 January 2009

Of what is felt by the heart

In the last 2 weeks, most Malaysians talked, read or wrote about and participated in something related to Kugan a/l Ananthan. That also included me! Of course, I read whatever I could to follow the story.
In life, what makes us relate to events is also what is personal to us.
What drew me to Kugan’s story was that he was 22 years old. 

My son is 22. 

What tugged at my heart was also Kugan’s mom and how the death of her son was so publicised. The horror of losing her child must have been compounded by the rumours that abounded as well as all the speculations about the cause of his death. 

Having known only the pain of losing a child, I can only guess how the other emotions would have been for her. It would probably have been so difficult for her to fully understand the gamut of emotions she felt. Probably it would have been, just, shock first. Then very quickly, it would have been followed by the bombardment of information from all sources. It would have been so hard to reconcile all that.
I hope that, in the midst of it all, she was surrounded by people who looked out for her. I mean, really for her. It’s what I would have wanted, no, needed, if I were her. I pray that she’ll be well.


Pat said...

Yes, she was who I thought of most. And I wondered what went through her mind.

No mother deserves this.


SFGEMS said...

Pat: Sad that it hasn't ended yet. The story goes on.......... :(

Anonymous said...

You are right Lita. When the press and all & sundry went to town with the accusations, did they think of his family? Especially his parents? Don't we all have mothers and fathers? Don't we all expect some sort of privacy and respect?

SFGEMS said...

Peng: For sure, it was forgotten for that while. Let's hope all is better for the family.

It is going to be hard, when the verdict is in!