This question had been playing around in my mind for a very long time. I’ve been wondering why some keep voting and supporting and hailing, election after election, the very same people who get into noticeable scandals, who are conspicuously suspected of thievery, who easily fall into the clutches of lust, who are most likely to abuse their positions and worst of all, pretend to be innocent and blameless.
Could some of these people be suffering from some form of the Stockholm syndrome? I wonder again. There doesn’t seem to be any other logical explanation. Is it at all possible that there are no other avenues for them except the same downtrodden path?
Is this akin to the Stockholm syndrome? Theoretically speaking, some show signs of loyalty to their captors (read leaders), regardless of the peril (could read as risk) to mental, physical and financial health, that they are forced into. Hypothetically, they have become attached to their captors, feel a sense of mistaken loyalty, and cannot see any other way out. It’s like being in quicksand, in this case “slowsand”. I just made up that word :). There appears to be no escape from the definitive bleak outcome and yet, they cannot help but repeat the same mistakes. Some have even loyally defended the system. They do not seem to want to break out of the pretend cocoon of security escorting them to deliberate calamity. Could some of them be, somehow, afflicted by this disorder?
Why do we keep falling back to the stereotyped form of governance since way back when? Are we unable to break away from this "syndrome" that is, I believe, until today not a recognized medical subject heading (MeSH)?
Wouldn’t it be interesting if we accepted this diagnosis of our id? Wouldn’t it be even more interesting if we became acquainted with the Lima Syndrome, the reverse of the Stockholm syndrome? This is when the captors begin to feel sympathy for their victims, maybe even remorse and turn the tables around. Isn’t this the solution that we are so in need of at this moment? Shouldn’t our captors take a step back, stop to think and do what is best, right, and just? Dare we hope for it?
I use the word "captors" loosely because, undoubtedly, we are all, in some way, their hostages. We need to shake free from this bondage. We need to invalidate the inertia towards the trend of racial discrimination. We have to nullify the false sense of respect for the current mechanism. We have to quash the reverence for any form of superiority. We need to overturn the draconian I.S.A. We have to invent a new syndrome.
We deserve to recreate a new spirit of
Could we call it the Malaysia Syndrome? I wonder.